Saturday, March 20, 2010

Do you know about Wordle?

Wordle is a fabulous tool for creating word clouds. You copy text in, choose a font, colour scheme and layout and - hey presto! - your very own word cloud.

Get started at

How could you use it in your journaling?
- copy text - perhaps from a journal - into Wordle, and it will show a word cloud based on the words in your journal
- copy in your blog link - it will create the blog word cloud (mine is shown below)
- copy in the link to your favourite blog
- use the word cloud together with a single photo, for a clean and simple page
- use the word cloud as background paper on a layout
- search for word clouds you like in their gallery
- suggestions are welcome... add them in the comments below.

A word on using wordle for images:
The easiest way I've found to use a wordle image is:
- once you've created your image, click the "open in new window" button beneath the image
- use Ctrl + PrintScreen (often shown as PrtScr on keyboards) to copy the image, or use an add-on in your browser
- open a new document in your digital scrapping software, and paste in the image.

Wordle do ask for acknowledgement if you download and use an image, but I think that's a small price to pay!

Here are a couple I've been playing with based on the election policies of the Labor Party and the Greens... Today's our state election and I'm using all the political shenanigans for my weekly double layout!

Click here

Click here

1 comment:

  1. My life was incomplete until now. I always rip off my little sis for overusing this acronym but O.M.G! My eyes popped out of my head at the sight of those word clouds, I think I've found a new favourite toy to play with:) Love the election ones you did, my mum is running for local council at the moment so maybe I'll make one from her campaign material:)
